I spent way more time than I should have on this track, but hey at least it's finally done. I hope you enjoy it!
Sorry it's so quiet by the way, it's the only I could upload it using WMM without any clicks and cracks messing up the song. Check out my soundcloud for a better quality!
My next track is definitely going to have some calmer parts, and have a story associated to it. Gabber is an art, and the music I've been making so far isn't art yet. There's been nearly no soul in my music, but hopefully that'll change in my next track...
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All the sounds are made 100% by me, besides the two vocal samples, "Rock The House" and "Rolling Here We Go 1234". Everything else is owned by me and was made from scratch.
R.I.P 3 Steps Ahead, it was his death date 9 days ago. May he never be forgotten and be a pillar of inspiration to Gabbers everywhere.