1 The Shag–Stop & Listen 00:00
2 The Wanderer's Rest– The Boat That I Row 02:32
3 The Young Savages–The Invaders Are Coming 04:49
4 The Faros–I'm Cryin' 07:12
5 Lord Beverley Moss & The Mossmen–Please Please What's The Matter 09:12
6 The Noblemen–Dirty Robber 11:48
7 The Hinge–Come On Up 13:45
8 Jack & The Beanstalks–Don't Bug Me 16:35
9 Jack & The Beanstalks–So Many Times 18:47
10 The Trodden Path–Don't Follow Me 21:12
11 Joey Gee & The Come-Ons–She's Mean 23:16
12 The Deverons –On The Road Again 26:01
13 The Love Society–You Know How I Feel (And Why) 28:42
14 Rehabilitation Cruise–I Don't Care What They Say 31:08