Niacinamide is a popular skin care ingredient .
This ingredients is a jack of all and master of none. As a solo agent, may not be very effective but in combination it works well. It is a well tolerated ingredient which can be used by all skin types
Who can use it ?
✅acne prone skin
✅open pores
✅acne dark spots
✅dull skin
❌Who should avoid?
It is well tolerated ingredient . If you have very dry irritated skin then avoid.
👩⚕️If you are a beginner start with 5 % niacinamide as higher concentrations may be irritating.
▪️When to apply niacinamide ?
Morning or evening or twice a day
▪️Dry skin or damp skin
Better when applied on damp skin
👩⚕️Few 5% Niacinamide serum recommendations :
@thedermacoindia The derma co 5% niacinamide
@suganda.co Suganda niacinamide serum
@beminimalist__ Minimalist 5% niacinamide
👩⚕️Few 10% Niacinamide serum recommendations
@theordinary The Ordinary niacinamide and zinc
@shop.wellwell Well well niacianmide serum
@plumgoodness Plum niacinamide
@theearthrhythm Earth rthym 10% niacinamide