Pa’lla Voy Salsa Choreo intermediate level. I hope you enjoy learning this intermediate salsa choreo to Pa’lla voy - Marc Anthony that I taught at my Salsa Choreo 4 Week Challenge #3. 14 patterns + new footwork for a solo shine for both leader and follower. Let me know in the comment box if you want a vid with the full breakdown of the patterns. Have fun!
Happy dancing!
Written breakdown:
1. Leader in front of follower, he looks up at the end
2. Follower steps out, fwd, cross,side to end up in front now
3. Leader: taps in out in out…in and slide
4. Follower: same
5. Cuban Breaks w/left leg
6. Cuban breaks w/right leg
7. Tap side close tap side close tap side, front hook turn
1. CBL (Cross Body Lead)
2. UAT (Under Arm Turn)
3. Loop, Titanic w/illusion turn (in crossed hand hold)
4. Basket
5. CBL Cradle ending on crossed hand hammerlock
6. Follower’s loop and CBL
7. Leader’s loop and turn CBL
8. Basic
9. Arm trick to body roll
10. CBL w/check
11. Reverse CBL
12. CBL
13. CBL toss with alt turns
14. CBL to ending pose
****FOLLOW ME****