The film was made in 1955.
The Sacred Pipe (calumet) is a must-have accessory for a warrior.
The most important and truly sacred thing to him.
A person who committed a serious crime, for example, the murder of a fellow tribesman, first of all lost his pipe - it was taken away and smashed to smithereens.
The pipe was the most powerful amulet with which the warrior communicated with the Higher powers, and losing it was considered a great misfortune.
It consisted of a cup (made of catlinite - a red stone) and a tree for the mouthpiece (trees with a very soft core) delivered from quarries in Minnesota (USA). These places were sacred to all Indians of the Great Plains.
And if hostile tribes met on this territory, then military operations were completely excluded.
The tobacco used for pipes had several additives, the main one being willow bark. This mixture was called kinnikinnik.
If there was no tobacco, they smoked only willow bark.
Offering tobacco as a gift, like an invitation to smoke a pipe, was a sign of good intentions.
If tobacco was taken and the pipe was smoked together, then the world was considered concluded.
The first thing that the children of the prairies comprehended in life is:
pipe shank - the backbone of the people,
the head of the pipe is the head of the people,
the stone from which it is made is the blood of the people,
the smoke hole is the mouth of the people,
the smoke is his breath,
tube - a symbol of the Cosmos, the Universe,
the sacred pipe is the heart of all ceremonies.