Official Raspberry Pi 27W PD Power Supply 5.1V 5A with USB C (0:10)
Square RGB TTL TFT Display - 4" 480x480 No Touchscreen - TL040WVS03
Square RGB TTL TFT Display - 4" 480x480 - With Capacitive Touch -
TL040WVS03CT (1:11)
Adafruit USB Isolator - 100mA Isolated Low/Full Speed USB (3:47)
Adafruit Universal Thermocouple Amplifier MAX31856 Breakout (4:06)
Adafruit MEMENTO Camera Enclosure Kit (4:37)
Flirc Aluminum Case for Raspberry Pi 5 (7:23)
Adafruit USB Host FeatherWing with MAX3421E (9:38)
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