✔️모든 음원은 직접 연주한 음원입니다.
All songs are songs that I played myself.
0:00 Married life (업)
0:00 Married life (Up)
3:33 Monster.Inc (몬스터 주식회사)
3:33 Monster.Inc (Monsters, Inc)
7:13 You’ve got a friend in me (토이 스토리)
7:13 You’ve got a friend in me (Toy Story)
11:35 Remember me (코코)
11:35 Remember me (Coco)
14:10 Steal the show (엘리멘탈)
14:10 Steal the show (Elemental)
17:28 La vie en rose (월-E)
17:28 La vie en rose (WALL-E)
21:13 Le festin (라따뚜이)
21:13 Le festin (Ratatouille)
24:59 [Playlist] 픽사와 함께 재즈 여행을 떠나볼까? l Pixar Jazz
⭐️재즈리스트의 모든 음원은 본 채널 외 다른 곳에서 사용불가합니다.
All musics from Jazz List Channel cannot be commercially used without any permission.
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📸 -Monster.Inc of Pixar
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➡️ jiun1316@naver.com
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