The Green Party Vice Presidential Candidate, Dr. Butch Ware, is running with Dr. Jill Stein against the Democratic & Republic party for the 2024 elections. The most important election ever for the Muslim world and America's future. Will the Green Party leverage the Muslim & African American vote to shock the world? Is the Green party the new party for American Muslims? Can Jill Stein actually defeat "The Blob". Can the Green party defeat lobbyists?
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00:00 Why Dr. Ware converted to Islam
05:00 How does the Green Party match morals
09:41 The Economy
11:58 The Green party: Too good to be true?
17:09 Defeating “The Blob”
22:40 Is America an Oligarchy?
27:03 Defeating ZIonism
33:38 Shame on Muslims who don’t vote.
41:06 Will Muslims throw away this election?
48:52 Can The Green Party Actually Win??
59:01 Trump Or Jill Stein?