00:00 1. Judah Kelly sings 'Tennessee Whiskey' (Australia):
01:38 2. Reid Zingale sings 'July' (USA):
03:08 3. Elsa Roses sings 'Somewhere Only We Know' (France):
05:18 4. Salma Díaz sings 'Casi Te Rozo' (Spain):
06:59 5. Clément Corrillon sings 'Smalltown Boy' (Belgique):
08:52 6. Evgen Peltek sings 'It's Hard to Get Around the Wind' (Poland):
10:43 7. Doya sings 'Ave Cesaria' (France):
13:17 8. Claudi Faura sings 'Fire' (Norway):
15:07 9. LEJ sings 'La Dalle' (Belgique):
17:01 10. Connor Wink sings 'Believe' (Australia):
18:31 11. Tammo Förster sings 'Imagine' (Germany):
20:15 12. Jochen sings 'Rugged Lovers' (Belgium):
21:59 13. Lion sings 'Toxic' (Spain):
23:31 14. Dame sings 'Pour Que Tu M'aimes Encore' (France):
25:42 15. Matt Gresham sings 'Bruises' (Australia):
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