I was not sponsored by Brassneck or anyone to do this video, I made it because I find it very interesting!
Links to papers and more info:
Brewer's yeast in the gut of wasps and their survival through insect diapause:
Yeasts hybridizing in the gut of wasps:
Genetic basis for the production of insect attractants by yeasts:
Domestication of brewer's yeast (not discussed in our video):
SFU's craft beer and brewing essentials program website:
Image credits:
Yeast image
By Masur - Own work, Public Domain,
Historical brewery
By Jost Amman - , Public Domain,
Hellenistic Mosaics
By Georgeg - , Public Domain,
Persian Wine
Public Domain,
Egyptian winemaking
By Ägyptischer Maler um 1500 v. Chr. - The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN 3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH., Public Domain,
Opening wasps, yeast plate, yeast under microscope
Sebastian Ibarra
Professor Astro Cat Links:
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