This liveset was aired on New year's Eve at the Ibiza Sonica Tribe radio station. The exclusive Mix & Video can be found on their channels as well (Links Below)
This was such a big project, moving the studio equipment to my appartment, removing all the furnitair in the living room and playing my first ever 1hr + liveset.
It was so fun playing all my new and old songs in such a beautiful setting. Not to mention using my second-hand piano for the first time.
Hopefully you enjoy the liveset.
If you like to support me,
Bandcamp (you can buy my music here) :
Sonica Tribe
#Deephouse #Livesession #electronicmusic #Studiomix #electronica #liveset #deephouse #musicwithfeelings #mixtape #performance #live #livestream #Ambienthouse #electronicmusicmix #concert
#chillmix #chillliveset #electronicmusic #melancholic #piano #synthesizer #analog #analogrytm #argon #moog #guitar #dreamingmix #nylonguitar #jaicuzco #jaicuzcomix
#livingroom #livingroomlive #stage #performing