Or, more accurately, a wannabe Animenz fanboys over Animenz for half an hour.
Animenz's arrangements and performances are all incredible, but what does he actually do to get the sounds that he does and how hard is it really? Well, I break that down and more in this video!
Of course, this is just all my own personal opinion, so feel free to disagree with me. At the very least, I hope that this video will help you appreciate just a bit more of what Animenz does and even give you some ideas on some techniques to apply to your own playing!
Animenz's My Dearest:
Anime Pianorama:
Theishter's review of My Dearest:
My piano setup:
Transcription/Sheets by:
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#MyDearest #Animenz #WattKeys #Review
If Animenz sees this video, I'm going to lose my mind.