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2nd single taken from the album "Song Against Humanity" to be released on 25th October 2024
Music video directed & produced by: Grupa 13
Band shots by: light blue ocean
Suppressing the words of sanity
As we lost our way towards utopia
Instead evolved into a dystopian nightmare
When technological progress
Gave rise to the indoctrination of the human mind
Within us the dust of ancient stars
But ancient intellect is denied
Committed thoughtcrime, you cannot run
We all fear room 101
An unstoppable decline
To affliction and enslavement
Decadence of the arrogance
The arrival of the grand demise
An age where thought isn’t free
Birth to destruction of words
Rewriting of history
Conform and follow the herd
Fated to a dreary existence
As you can’t escape the eyes of the tyrant
Murderer of the independent mind
Join the collective and obey
The individual means nothing
When you become part of the machinery
You begin to unexist
You’re just a cell of the organism
But every organism will decay
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