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Some Awesome People
And many thanks to my $10 supporters and above on Patreon, you are awesome!
Join the gang and help support me produce free and high quality science content:
Tut Arom
Jason Evans
machinator rimor
Mirik Gogri
Eric Epstein
Theodore Chu
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My Science Books
I also write science books for kids called Professor Astro Cat. You can see them all here:
Writer, art, animation and edited by Dominic Walliman
I use Adobe Illustrator and After Effects for the graphics (for the many people who ask :)
Special Thanks to Richard Garfield and George Elias for their expertice and help.
Image attributions
Ludo Micha L. Rieser, Attribution, via Wikimedia Commons
Snakes and Ladders By Jain Miniature - , Public Domain,
Root image by Marco Bakera
00:00 Introduction
01:30 Abstract Games
03:29 Game Categorisation
05:23 Optimisation Mechanics
08:37 Interaction Mechanics
09:26 Board Game Adjacent Games
11:27 Stabbin’ in the Cabin
13:08 Casual Games
14:30 Settings and Themes
15:38 Eurogame vs. Ameritrash
17:36 Styles of Gameplay
19:33 Brilliant Ad