Also in v2 is the reduction of volume of Chapter II's tracks, I found it too loud and too much in-your-face in-game.
Libraries used:
Spitfire Albion
Sonuscore The Orchestra
ProjectSAM Symphobia
Based on Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim music by Jeremy Soule.
This is not the official soundtrack of The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim, all rights of original soundtrack are of Bethesda/Jeremy Soule.
Feel free to use this song for non-commercial purposes. The only condition is to give me credits: Composed by Dreyma Music.
"Skyrim mod","Skyrim Mods","Music","Skyrim music mod","Orchestral","Ambient","Skyrim ambient music","Skyrim town music","Skyrim atmosphere","Fantasy music","Elder scrolls music","Skyrim Fan Made music","Skyrim Fan-made music"