Here is a unique original MIDI step sequencer called "12 Notes Composer" that I(Yuichi Onoue) developed in 1997 using a music programming environment called "MAX(version 3)".
Fortunately, it runs on the latest version Max(version 8) on modern PCs, so I recently created a demo video of it after several decades.
When you set a 12-tone row and its rhythm(as original melody) for one measure, it automatically generates and plays retrograde melody, and inversion melody, along with a drum pattern, all at the same time. These can be stored as patterns, and multiple patterns can be played in sequence. As shown in the video, you can hear collage-like music that evolves through a series of interesting patterns. The MIDI tone generator used is GM(general MIDI) one.
Here is the MAX patch file.
Originally, this was developed to perform the 12-tone technique like things, but I also used tonal sequences that were not limited to the 12-tone technique to generate music. It was thrilling to hear patterns I had never imagined being generated one after another. I went on to create several recording works by combining these generated patterns with programmed music and my own instrumental performances in a more structured way. Here are some representative tracks; I hope you enjoy listening to them as well.
Dragon Factory(1997)
Free Electron(1997)
Virtual Contry(1997)
Musical Pollution(1997)
Bones of Hototogisu(1999-2005) collab with Kujira Hikoudukue(クジラ飛行机との共作)
Birth of Cluster(2005)
#cycling74 #computermusic #MIDI