From their album, Almost Home - The Hymns of Matt Boswell And Matt Papa (Vol. 2)
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Unto the Almighty now bring all praise
Let highest of honors adorn his name
His throne is immortal, his wisdom stands
The holy omnipotent great I am
All blessing, all honor, and glory
To him who is worthy
All praises unto the almighty
Creator of beauty the lord of life
Who dawned into darkness the sourceless light
Exalted the mountains and carved the seas
The maker of earth and its mysteries
Come gaze on the crown of the highest King,
Enthroned in unspeakable majesty;
His power unrivaled, his kingdom reigns,
Who conquers his foes, and his people saves
O see at the center of all, our God
Whom angels encircle with fear and awe;
Your/God’s people with gladness our voices lend,
Creation resounds with one great Amen
Matt Boswell and Matt Papa
© 2021 Getty Music Publishing (BMI), Messenger Hymns (BMI), Getty Music Hymns and Songs (ASCAP), and Love Your Enemies (ASCAP) (all admin by musicservices.org)