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Lyrics: sup gay man ok Tyler you're not going to believe what happened to me and i need help so bad wait what i'm on a date i'm in the bathroom i my pants i swear to god fire honestly fire you deserve it i don't know what to do though but i'm like really close to your house can i come by i'm in Atlanta ok but i could still go to your house um all right how did you do that dog i thought it was a fart and then it just kept going bro you don't stop once you feel it i couldn't stop but what i can stop is that i'm pranking you he's not even gonna laugh he doesn't even think it's funny no that's amazing that's the content they're doing for journalism now are we still friends can we be friends
Description Tags: tyler the creator billie eilish tyler the creator prank call billie eilish prank calls tyler the creator prank tyler the creator funny tyler the creator funny billie eilish funny