The American road network is vast and complicated. It is made up of over 4 million miles of car based infrastructure. Although most road construction projects go (relatively) smoothly, some do not. Sometimes projects are started and cancelled part way through. Projects like these leave behind eerie remnants of what could have been.
0:00 - Intro
0:37 - Gravina Island Highway (and Bridge) - Alaska
2:10 - CT Route 11 - Connecticut
3:07 - Amstutz Expressway - Illinois
3:58 - "The Stack" - Connecticut
4:48 - Ozark Mountain High Road - Missouri
5:49 - The Goat Path - Pennsylvania
6:36 - Abandoned PA Turnpike - Pennsylvania
7:40 - Baltimore Highway To Nowhere - Maryland
8:50 - Highways To Nowhere Are Everywhere!!