'Creepy Dollhouse Nightmares 01'. Horror soundtrack made with the intent of capturing the enigmatic sounds of our most powerful nightmares. All music written, performed and recorded by Cauchemar Chemin. All original sound design using acoustic instrumentation.
#horrormusic #horrormusicbackground #horrorsounds #darkambient #darkambientmusic #horroraudio #scarymusic #horrorsoundtrack #creepymusic
© 2025 Cauchemar Chemin. All Rights Reserved.
PLAYLIST: Creepy Doll Music by Cauchemar Chemin
Nightmare Factory 21: Infernal Devotion
Nightmare Factory 20: Flesh of the Dolls
"I like your dolls." ― Annabelle
"Horror fiction shows us that the control we believe we have is purely illusory, and that every moment we teeter on chaos and oblivion." ― Clive Barker
"We all go a little mad sometimes." ― Norman Bates ('Psycho')
Film Scoring and Sound Design Inquiries: embraceournature@live.com