One of my first tries with the Qu-Bit Nautilus. In this patch it's receiving audio from Rings (left channel) and Panharmonium (right channel). Panharmonium is processing Rings EVEN output. Nautilus is in shimmer mode, adrift delay. As this shimmer effect can get a bit too crazy sometimes I'm modulating the Sensors parameter which controls the number of delay lines. I also assigned the left attenuverter to the Sensors parameter so I can control it more precisely. Apart from this I'm modulating the Chroma parameter, which controls which effect is active. Since it's receiving an attenuated LFO I'm switching between first and second effect (LPF and HPF). Later on I'm moving the Chroma knob manually to go through some other effects as bitcrushing, saturation and wavefolding. The pad sound is coming from the Ensemble Oscillator and Instruo Saich.
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Music by habn. Video by Taryn Elliott.