Without the screen, the Tempest may as well be a paper weight. A really flashy expensive one. I'll be contacting DSI/Sequential support, but i have a suspicion that covering shipping to/from the US, parts and labour is going to be god damn expensive and a loooong process given the current state of the world. Particularly because there was a number of things on it that weren't working right. My gut feeling is I might have to let my baby go to synth heaven.
So anyway, this is the ambient pattern i was working on at the time. Since i can still play it, I figured i'd record it in an attempt to make peace with whats happened. It's running through my Eurorack FX skiff and ZOIA
The DSI Tempest was my first big music gear purchase many years ago. It's been through all my genre phases - synthwave, house, techno, idm, electro, ambient - It can do anything you put it to and its gonna leave a big gaping hole in my little synth-heart. Sigh!