3/13/2020 update: This is the day that I am releasing this song from Private and back into my public videos. It was my test version to observe and analyze for errors before making a final mix and master. It was only to be up for 5 days as I set it for digital release in the upcoming week - which I did. Since then I've had it recalled and resubmitted for release in all of the digital outlets on April 15 2020. One of the main reasoning for this is for Apple Music's mistake in pricing it at $9.99 and some other reasons. Nothing but over all better reasons for the change in date. For now, the stores that it is in (in it's mixed and mastered state) now be pulled soon. Last I checked it is still in Spotify, IHeart Radio, Deezer and maybe a few others, but I expect that they will all have it pulled until April 15th soon enough. I may keep this video up for a bit. This is not the official video for this, by the way.
Rebel XD
Xbox gamer tag: Rebel XD GBWRx3