#africanews #ibrahimtraore #sahel
Since the military leaders of Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso came into Africa’s political scene, Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso have become a huge problem for the West. And, unfortunately for the West, these countries will continue to be a problem because the leaders of Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso have chosen the path of sovereignty and Independence. Now, recently, Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso signed a satellite deal with Russia which will be beneficial to them in terms of security. But guess what? This simple deal has made the West angry for some reason and has used its media to express its concerns. The question is “Why is the Satellite deal important to the three Sahel countries and why is it causing so much concern for the West? Let’s find out.
So as we said, the leaders of Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso have become a huge problem for the West. This is because their arrival not only completely changed the order of how things used to work between Africa and the West but more importantly it brought in the greatest enemy of the West, Russia, into the scene. You see, as far as the West is concerned, the greatest crime any country can commit is not genocide, corruption, not practicing democracy or human rights abuse. No, the greatest crime any country can commit is aligning with Russia or any other country that the West doesn’t like.