"In the shadow of a blood-soaked battlefield, King Thorne gazed upon the smoldering ruins of his enemy’s citadel, the screams of the fallen still echoing in the wind. He had sacrificed his soul to dark forces, bartering the lives of his own soldiers and the last remnants of his humanity for the promise of victory. As the black sun rose over the carnage, he knew he had won—not through strength or strategy, but through a willingness to destroy all that was once sacred.."
Thank you for stopping by Eternal Voyage, I hope you will enjoy your stay :)
Do you want to use the images from my videos as wallpapers? High-resolution versions of the artwork can be found and downloaded completely for FREE here:
Music composed by Dominik at Eternal Voyage
Artwork created using midjourney.com
#ambientmusic #darkfantasy #epicmusic