[00:00] Never Knew Her - Anton Lansky
[04:17] Picturesque - Dragon's
[06:24] The Glove (Original Mix) - Coolectors
[10:10] Fire Walker - Mikalogic
[13:07] Slow Groove - Cool People
[16:50] Like of Us - DJ Face Off
[20:20] Mountain High - Marc Brauner
[24:34] Gibraltar - OBu
[27:33] Midas - Mrsch
[30:09] Up Down (Nuendo Remix) - Joe Red, Gasc
[32:30] Talking Whatever (Original mix) - James Dexter
[35:16] Not in the Mood - Paradoxal
[39:40] What is Love - Ben Rau
[42:28] When the Sky Turns Grey - Modern Talker
[46:20] Theme - Christian Cabrera
[49:20] Ardent (Original Mix) - Chris Stussy, Toman
[53:47] Mi Casa Su Casa (Ben Rau Meta remix) - Rhymos
[55:22] Zero G - Ben Rau
[59:01] Cold Memories (Original Mix) Toman
Gear I use:
rekordbox dvs
audio technica at-lp120 usb (low torque, recommend the 140s instead)
audio technica AT-XP3 cartridges
butter rug slipmats
reloop neon with rekordbox mapping
audio technica ATH-WS55
Sennheiser HD 280 Pro
beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro
easy KZ Yinyoo zst in-ear-monitors
sound reactive visuals are made with plane9 and VZX creative. (both not entirely compatible with OBS and crash sometimes when captured, would be hard to use in a live setting, it's best for post-production)
videos and photos:
rekordbox 6
OBS Studio
Davinci Resolve 17 (free version)
Autodesk Sketchbook Pro