BBC TV report on 'Points West' about Ashish Joshi's interviews & research into the history of Reggae Sound Systems In Bristol - with Tappa (Bass-I Sound), Big D (Jah Lokko), General D (Mabraka Sound & Imperial Force) & Ashish Joshi (Saffron).....
This report also highlights how Bristol's Reggae sound systems greatly influenced Bristol's most famous music stars - such as Massive Attack, Tricky & Roni Size..........
BBC Bristol Radio also interviewed me - check it out here:
Big Respect goes out to all the Bristol Reggae sound system crews that have taken part in the interviews & research !
Check out the interviews that I have filmed so far here - (there's more to come !) :
Raiders 32 Sound System:
Unique Star Sound System:
Iquator Sound System:
Mabraka / Imperial Force Sound Systems :
Bass - I Sound System :
Big Massive Respect goes out to Guvna Gregah for editing & processing all the interviews to enable the history to be preserved !