"The Haunted Citadel" is a dark and atmospheric power metal song that tells the story of an ancient, cursed fortress where no one escapes alive. Shrouded in mist and shadows, the citadel is haunted by restless spirits, skeletal kings, and eerie phantoms. As the protagonist enters the fortress, they become trapped in its haunted halls, consumed by fear, with no hope of escape. The song evokes a sense of foreboding, doom, and eternal entrapment, capturing the essence of a place ruled by death and darkness.
In the mist, the shadows rise
Whispers echo, no disguise
A fortress cursed, long forgotten
Stone and bone, the walls have rotten
Through broken halls, the winds now cry
The souls within can never die
Torches flicker, fading light
Haunted souls take flight
The gates creak open wide
Enter, there’s no place to hide
The Haunted Citadel calls your name
Bound in fear, consumed by flame
Specters watch from every hall
Once you enter, you lose it all
Through the corridors of pain
All who walk here are slain
Eternal dread will be your guide
No escape, no place to hide
In the throne room, silence falls
Ghosts in chains, they haunt the halls
Time stands still, the air grows cold
Tales of terror yet untold
A crown of dust on skeletal kings
The cursed of old now spread their wings
Tormented whispers fill the air
No escape from this nightmare
Each step closer seals your fate
Now it’s far too late
The Haunted Citadel, a graveyard’s throne
You face the horrors all alone
The winds howl through the twisted spire
Cold as death, yet filled with fire
Through endless night, you walk in fear
The living trapped within the rear
No hope remains, just darkened dread
This place is home to only the dead
In the crypts below the ground
Ancient curses still unbound
Fleshless kings, their swords in hand
Claim their right to rule this land
The spirits rise, their chains now free
In this eternal misery
The walls are closing, no retreat
Tread the path of cold defeat
Phantom hands pull you near
Now you’re one with eternal fear
The Haunted Citadel swallows you whole
The living trapped within its soul
A fortress born from endless dread
Forever, you are one with the dead
Where screams and shadows intertwine
The darkness claims what’s once divine
Your fate is sealed, your soul is chained
In this fortress, you’re forever claimed
Final Chorus:
Now you’re trapped within the walls
Bound to darkness, heed its calls
The citadel claims its own
Your soul forever overthrown
#WestCoastAI #PowerMetal #HauntedFortress #DarkFantasy #MetalMusic #GhostlyLegends #EpicMetal #CursedCitadel #MetalHeads #HalloweenMetal #HauntingMelodies #SpectralKings #GothicVibes #HeavyMetal #EpicStorytelling #MistyRuins #PhantomHorror #MetalCommunity #AtmosphericMetal #ShadowsAndFlames #CreepyTales