For decades, Thom Yorke, the enigmatic frontman of Radiohead, has been at the forefront of one of the most innovative, influential, and critically acclaimed bands in modern music. Radiohead's sound has evolved dramatically over the years—from the anthemic alternative rock of The Bends to the groundbreaking electronic experimentation of Kid A—capturing the anxieties and hopes of the times in ways that few other bands could match. As the years have gone by, however, Thom Yorke’s relationship with Radiohead, his artistic process, and his role in the music industry have grown more complex.
00.00 - Intro
01:11 - Radiohead’s Legacy and Yorke’s Expectations
03:53 - The Personal Struggles of Thom Yorke
06:11 - Thom Yorke’s Solo Career and Creative Freedom
08:15 - What Radiohead Means to Yorke (and the World)
#strangewordsmusic #radiohead #thomyorke #musicdocumentary
Subtitles available in Spanish (espanol), German (deutsche), Hindi, French (franÇais), English. Portugues.