Josh, in my opinion, is responsible for some of the most beguiling, evocative, almost sacred music ever recorded, and surpasses all other denizens of the "tape ambient" scene (which is still going over a decade after its inception, thank god! xD). Josh, i can't words are insufficient to convey how i treasure your music; it was a persistent lifeline that carried me through the darkest passages of my life. so you'll always be the greatest to me. thank you.
i hope everyone can glean even a hint of the impetus that inspired such praise while listening to this. if you enjoy it, i have a dedicated Josh Burke playlist you can check out!
all music by...[drumroll]... Josh Burke! xD
00:00 Imagination Pt. II 1
11:28 Imagination Pt. II 2
#joshburke #midnightstarmedia #hauntology #tapemusic #cassettes #cassettemusic #casseteculture #basementsynth #dungeonsynth #kosmische #krautrock #ambient #drone #droneambient #lofi #lofimusic #lofiambient #ambientmusic #novascotianarms #jamesferraro #vennrain #panabrite #jeffrryastin #windycarl #windyandcarl #lovespiralsdownwards #thismortalcoil #oneohtrixpointnever #xiphiidae #expo70 #yellowcrystalstar #orphanfairytale #dryvalleys #mohavetriangles #acideagle #iasos #newage #dolphinsintothefuture #hiroshiyoshimura #mikebrooks #ronboots #jonnserrie #alphawavemovement #rudyadrian #neuromantic #ianboddy #markmcguire #emeraldweb #theskaters #tuluumshimmering #hobocubes #motionsicknessoftimetravel