Review 1.2: The 251 Progression, Modes & Four Note Voice Leading, 3/4 Time, 'Prelude in Six Keys'
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Jazz isn't the only place we can use 251, they also appear in many styles of classical music. I put together the piece in today's episode as a sort of musical puzzle. Six different key centers approached by 251 progression in the style of Debussy. As always don't forget the most important part which is reviewing the exercise and doing the rhythm warm up, happy practicing!
0:00 Intro
1:28 Rhythm Warmup
5:25 Exercise Gb, Ab, Eb
8:15 Analysis 'Prelude in Six Keys'
19:55 Performance 'Prelude in Six Keys'
Review Topics:
How to do the Rhythm Warm Ups:
Major Sevenths:
Dominant Sevenths:
minor sevenths:
Mixolydian Mode:
Dorian Mode:
MIDI Graphics created with Chrome Music Labs, Shared Piano