Today we go in depth about the fundamentals of how to create and define control point splines in Autodesk Fusion 360 so that we can create better and more comfortable neck profiles for guitars. It turns out that control point splines are quadratic and cubic Bezier curves... which means they are fairly elegant to constrain if you recreate the geometry that generate them.
Much of my understanding of this concept is thanks to Freya Holmér's amazing video titled "The Beauty of Bézier Curves". You can find her video here:
Freya Holmér's Channel:
The Beauty of Bézier Curves
Check out my previous video on why I rarely use splines:
Splines are overrated:
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0:00 Introduction
2:09 Anatomy of Control Point Splines (Quadratic & Cubic Bézier Curves)
17:21 Creating Symmetric Neck Profiles
23:02 Evaluating Curvature & Creating G2 Connections to the Fretboard.
26:52 Creating Asymmetric Neck Profiles
31:00 Splitting Surfaces to Prepare for Headstock and Heel Transitions
32:31 Final Thoughts
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