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Tut Arom
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machinator rimor
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My Science Books
I also write science books for kids called Professor Astro Cat. You can see them all here:
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Writer, art, animation and edited by Dominic Walliman
I use Adobe Illustrator and After Effects for the graphics (for the many people who ask :)
“InAs-Al hybrid devices passing the topological gap protocol”
“A cryogenic CMOS chip for generating control signals for multiple qubits”
Topological qubit noise levels - “Assessing requirements to scale to practical quantum advantage” chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
00:00 Topological Quantum Computing
02:01 Topology Explained
04:47 Resilience to Noise
05:51 Anatomy of a Quantum Computer
07:05 Chip Fabrication and Lab Tour
09:41 How to Build a Quantum Computer
11:21 Topological Quantum Computing Lego Explainer
15:40 Microsoft’s Results
17:50 Majorana Particle Explained
21:31 Sponsor Message
23:03 Thanks Patrons!