In our last 3 lessons we learned every single interval from unisons up through the octave. Now we move into the great musical beyond. Ever hear of a 9 or a 13 on a chord? If you haven’t, you’re about to, because that’s what we’re covering today.
0:00 Lesson Intro
0:24 Going Beyond the Octave…Nines
4:59 Elevens
6:32 Thirteens
7:15 Traditional Use
7:59 Listening to Compound Intervals
♪ A “compound interval” is any distance bigger than an octave
♪ You can add the number 7 to any interval to refer to that scale degree an octave higher. 2 can be a 9, 3 can be a 10, etc. These are known as “compound intervals.”
♪ Compound intervals can be “adjusted” just like other intervals by making them minor (lowering by a half step) or augmented (raising by a half step)
♪ Compound intervals are used to infer voicings: you don’t want the 9 of your chord played as a 2, buried between the 1 and the 3
🔴 PLAYLIST: Intervals in Music (Lesson Series)
🔴 Lesson Series: Intervals in Music - Introduction | This Is Why You Need to Learn Intervals
🔴 Intervals in Music - Lesson Series | Part 1: Major and Perfect Intervals (0:59)
🔴 Intervals in Music - Lesson Series | Part 2: Minor Intervals
🔴 Intervals in Music - Lesson Series | Part 3: Augmented and Diminished Intervals (3:37)
🔵 Compound Intervals
My name is Alex, and my passion is teaching music online. I’m a bass player and composer by training and trade, but what I really love to do is teach. I make my living teaching private lessons on Bass, Guitar, Piano, and Ukulele. My favorite thing to teach is theory - helping the students understand the “why” behind the music and empowering them to make better and more informed musical choices. I’m very adamant about teaching technique. This is how you gain power and control over your instrument and ultimately raise the ceiling on where your limits are and where they will be in the future.
I appreciate you participating in learning music with me, either for free through my videos or in private lessons in my virtual studio. Players of all abilities and backgrounds are welcome! There’s no music lesson I don’t love.
You can schedule lessons with me, book a free consultation, or reach out to me with questions on my website: