I wrote this to have no clear winner, with strong and weak points made on both the reform and abolish side. Rather than for one side to be DESTROYED, I wanted to raise and respond to challenging questions and strong criticisms. But if you must know my opinion, scroll down…
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I agree with Luna that we should abolish the police but I agree with Alex that genuine abolition is likely not possible in capitalism.
I tried to be unbiased in this debate so I wanted Alex to be a worthy opponent for Luna. Neither character is right or justified in everything they say, and at times even make me cringe (especially the ad hominems), but hopefully both say things that are challenging, thought-provoking, and deepen your perspective on this topic.
This video is largely inspired by ContraPoints’ video Punching Natsees (which she deleted from her channel). A small section is inspired by comedian YouTuber Ryan George and a few seconds from Bo Burnham’s Left Brain Right Brain.
Playlist of my videos:
Reform the Police
Defund the Police
• Defining “Defunding The Police” - SOME MORE NEWS
• # DefundPolice Toolkit
Abolish the Police
Alternatives to Policing
• Articles about CRAC below in Sources section
• Cops rescue 296 children
• Mafia does charity
• Graph of how police spend their time
• Police funding is a big portion of budgets in major U.S. cities
• Percent of crimes that go unsolved, U.S.
• Study finds “proactive” policing in neighborhoods may deter crime (discussed by Sam Harris )
• Study finds “proactive” policing in neighborhoods may increase crime (discussed here and )
• Police strike in Vitória, Brazil
• Opinion poll of black Americans on policing issues
• Homicide victims by race, U.S.
• Scenarios with alternatives to policing: @conflicttransformation on Instagram (Amber Hughson)
• CRAC (Regional Coordination of Communal Authorities), community self-defense and direct democracy in Mexico
• Wu Tang Clan type beat (TW$)
• O Fortuna (Carl Orff)
• Lil skies drum loop
• Smoove Weekend (TW$)
• Dub Trippin (MK2)
• Crab Rave (Noisestorm | Monstercat Release)
• English Country Garden (Aaron Kenny)
• Slaughter (Passion HiFi)
• Spanish Winter (Passion HiFi)
• MydNyte (Noir Et Blanc Vie)
• Epic Battle Speech (Wayne Jones)
• Born Barnstormers (Brian Boyko)
• Sad Piano Music - Searching (MRTN)
• Yakety Sax (Boots Randolph)
I want us to create a world where we maximize wellbeing rather than profit. Yoursupport spreading the word about my videos is appreciated.