The authors of the song used a play on words. The German “Du hasst ” - “You hate” - is consonant with the title of the song. In the lyrics of the song, the word “hast” has a third meaning: the auxiliary verb “ haben ” in German serves to form the past tense. Thus, “Du hast mich gefragt, und ich habe nichts gesagt” is translated as “You asked me, but I didn’t say anything.”Filming of the fifth video clip in Rammstein's career, directed by Philip Stolz (German)Russian., took place in June 1997 in Brandenburg , on the airfield, near one of the former buildings of the Soviet army . It was originally planned to film in sunlight, but on the day of filming it rained and there was strong wind, which made the work much more difficult. The scene of the explosion going inside and the black hut are references to the film “ Lost Highway ” directed by David Lynch , and the plot of the “mafia showdown” itself is a reference to the film “ Reservoir Dogs ” by Quentin Tarantino . The Rammstein musicians are fans of the work of both directors, and they wanted to show this in the video.
At the beginning of the clip, a black Volga drives up to an abandoned building standing in the middle of a field. A woman in a red dress is sitting behind the wheel (she was played by an actress from the Volksbühne theater (English)Russian. Astrid Meyerfeld (German)Russian.), next to her is Christoph Schneider , drummer of Rammstein, both excited and tense. They say goodbye, Schneider takes a gun out of his bag and heads towards the building. “The plot of the video is a mafia showdown,” explains Christophe. “I play a member of a mafia group who cheated on her because of his love for a woman. I must answer for treason. But this story ends in a way no one expected."
The action moves into the building. Schneider emerges from the darkness into the light, where the rest of Rammstein are standing in black suits and masks. He stops in front of them, like a defendant in court. They take off their masks, smiles on their faces. Schneider's fears turn out to be in vain - he is greeted with open arms, like a missing friend, everyone drinks alcohol and fools around. At this time, Schneider's girlfriend, who was left waiting for him in the car, finds no place for herself. She imagines that Christophe’s “friends” drugged him (at this time the Rammstein musicians turn to Schneider: “Du hast mich gefragt und ich hab nichts gesagt” with him. - “You asked me, but I didn’t answer”), doused him with gasoline and set him on fire, and then watched as the burning Schneider wandered through the hall. A stuntman was hired to film the scene with the burning man . He was dressed in a special asbestos suit, covered with flammable materials , and set on fire. The scene with the burning man fascinated the film crew so much that no one said “cut.” “We all stood with our mouths open at the camera,” recalled cameraman Sebastian Pfaffenbichler, “the assistant director had huge eyes, and he didn’t say ‘cut’.” The stuntman did not wait for the command and threw himself into the pool.
Opening her eyes, the woman sees six men leaving the building, including Schneider, who, looking at her, immediately turns away. Having passed the car in which he arrived, the drummer looks at his watch, and a few seconds later it explodes. During the filming of the last scene, the explosion got out of control. “The bomb was, in fact, installed by professional pyrotechnicians and met all the requirements,” said Till Lindemann , “but the shock wave knocked me to the ground, and the fire spread in a split second over a huge space. Schneider suffered second-degree burns on his arms and back during this scene.”
The video for Rammstein's song " Haifisch ", released in 2010, shows a different ending to the "Du hast" part of the plot. During the funeral of lead singer Till Lindemann, the musicians begin to suspect each other of his murder, in particular, they think that then, during the meeting, Schneider doused Till with gasoline and set him on fire.
Live performance
Du Hast has featured several gimmicks over the years, such as a telephone (supposedly Till rings and sings the chorus) and a crossbow, which was later used in a number for the song Du Riechst So Gut . Traditionally, Du Hast is performed at every concert of the group.
Single edition options
The European and Australian editions of the single contained, in addition to the song “Du hast” itself, two remixes of it - from the producer of all Rammstein albums Jakob Hellner and the Swedish rap core group