👉 DW Soundworks software:
👉 get AE Hybrid e-DRUMS & e-CYMBALS from www.ageancymbals.de
How close can you get to the feel, look and sound of an acoustic drumkit using electronic drums you ask? VERY close! This beautiful AE Hybrid electronic drumkit & CTS low noise e-cymbals are hooked up to a Roland TD-17 sound module, which triggers sounds from the fanatastic sounding DW Soundworks library via midi. Et voilà, c'est magnifique!
The AE Hybrid e-kit setup in detail:
18" BD
14" SD
12" Tom
14" Floor Tom
AE Hybrid CTS low noise e-cymbals:
2 x 16" Crash
20" Ride
14" HiHat
2 x 10" Splash
Feel free to reach out, if you have any questions concerning the gear used in the video. Also I'd be thrilled, if you subscribed to @digitaldrumming for more blazing solo drumming, music performance & sound demo video content ✌️
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Thanks for dropping by & happy drumming! 🥁
#edrums #electronicdrums #rolandvdrums #schlagzeug