On the state border and Indian Territory, the Hall family has built a house - the settlers are engaged in farming and hunting in the nearby forest.
But the news that the warlike leader of the Sauk tribe, the Black Hawk, is not going to concede and give more and more lands of the Indian tribes, reaches these settlers ...
The image of the Black Hawk is unique.
He was a born leader, and as a leader, he overcame inter-tribal feuds, as well as bravely confronted his enemies.
The events included in this narrative are based on facts.
The narrator's words are laid out loosely, but the book is mostly based on truthful information.
In this piece you will learn:
The final defeat of the Black Hawk, his visit to the capital of the American nation and some of the largest cities, the old warrior's impression of his visits to whites from the East Coast - all these are parts of his life that must be known in order to properly appreciate the character of this famous Indian leader.