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Video edited by David Muñoz Pérez:
In da Fernan schimman de Gipfe
mid zuagniffne Aung blinzlsd in de Sonn
an sanften Wind heasd singa in de Wipfe
und de Bergmandal blean oba von eanam Thron
A wieda moi g‘spiasd dieses leichde Ziang
in deine Fiass, in deine Gnocha
A leiser Drang in de Fremdn zum fliahn
Dahoam wurds wiedamoi zua eng zum Lacha
Und so sezd an Fuaß vorn Andan
imma häha entlang am Båchbed
Und da Wind pfeifd durch de Tannen
Awia da Deife was in Erl vagessan hät
Mit dem Blick aufn Kaiser
und da Sonn im G’sicht
dreibt's mi imma weida
Durch'd Schatten und s' Lichd
Mit dem Blick aufn Kaiser
Und in de Haar da Wind
folg i des Berges Geisdern
Bis i endlich d'Freiheit find
Und wånns’d dann om okema bisd
und an Blick in d‘Ferna schweifa lässd
du die säiba und wos’d herkimmsd vagissd
bisd endlich vo de Fesseln deina Heimat g’lösd
Denn um Dahoam im wahrn Lichd zum seng
an Glanz, de Zuflucht, aba a de Dunkelheid
muassd erstmoi a in d e Fremdn geh
Damit se de von deina Nostalgie befreid
And though you sometimes feel a longing for distant shores
bones that ache for tundra trees and the prairie’s dew
the Bavarian mountains will always be yours
But you can bring a piece of them there and take one back with you
Wanns‘d vo überoin a Stiggal mid nach Hause nimmsd
überoin aber a a neichs Dahoam dazua gewinnsd
sigst irgendwånn de andan Herzn mit dene du de Gipfe erklimmsd
Und dass si die Fädn san, aus dene du dir deine Heimat spinnsd
Und so sezd an Fuaß vorn Andan
imma häha entlang am Båchbed
Und da Wind pfeifd durch de Tannen
Awia da Deife was in Erl vagessan hätt
Mit dem Blick aufn Kaiser
und da Sonn im G’sicht
dreibt's mi imma weida
Durch'd Schatten und s' Lichd
Mit dem Blick aufn Kaiser
Und in de Haar da Wind
folg i des Berges Geisdern
Bis i endlich d'Freiheit find
Und wanns’d dann obe schaugsd ins Doi
Di ned de gånze Zeid mid deinem Packerl obeblogsd
erkennst dann irgendwann a Wåhrheit oa fia olle moi
Dass de Heimat ållawei in dia drågst
D’Heimat dråg i allawei in mia
The peaks shimmer in the distance
with pinched eyes you blink in the sun
you can hear a smooth wind sing in the treetops
and the Bergmandal cry down from their throne
Again you feel this light pull
in your feet, in your bones
a silent urge to flee abroad
again it got to tight at home for laughter
So you put one foot before the other
higher and higher aside the bed of the stream
and the wind whistles through the firs
just like the devil had forgotten something in Erl
With gaze upon the Kaiser
and the sun in my face
it urges me forward
through shadow and light
With gaze upon the Kaiser
and wind in my hair
I follow the ghosts of the mountain
until I finally find freedom
And once you arrive at the top
and let your gaze drift into the distance
Once you forget yourself and where you come from
you are finally free from the shackles of your home
Because to see home in it's true light
the splendor, the shelter, but also the darkness
you first have to go abroad
so it frees you from your nostalgia
And though you sometimes feel a longing for distant shores
bones that ache for tundra trees and the prairie’s dew
the Bavarian mountains will always be yours
But you can bring a piece of them there and take one back with you
If you bring a small piece back from everywhere
But also gain a new home everywhere
at one point you'll see the other hearts with which you climb the peaks
and that they are the threads you weave your home from
So you put one foot before the other
higher and higher aside the bed of the stream
and the wind whistles through the firs
just like the devil had forgotten something in Erl
With gaze upon the Kaiser
and the sun in my face
it urges me forward
through shadow and light
With gaze upon the Kaiser
and wind in my hair
I follow the ghosts of the mountain
until I finally find freedom
And once you look down into the valley
Don't have to carry your burdens anymore
you'll realize a truth at some point
that you carry home with you always
I carry home with me always
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