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Barackca - "Munkadal" Official Music Video
Artist City, State, Country: Budapest, Hungary
Artist Bio: Barackca formed in 1993 in Budapest. In their early years they already wrote political songs alongside of satirical ones, later the politically charged songs took over.
They self-published eight albums (NemArt Records). They have played over 750 gigs in twenty-seven European and four Asian countries. A second guitarist recently joined the other three members who already play together for more than twenty years.
In their songs they often criticize capitalism, point out social problems, and they hold racism, National Socialism and every repressive authority unacceptable.
Director Name: János Huszár
Director Website:
About the Video: This clip is absolutely D.I.Y. made by the band members. This video cost us 0 €.
Artist Website:
Song Lyrics: "Munkadal"
Feladom elveim,
feladom barátaim.
Mindent abba hagyok,
ha munkát kaphatok.
Dolgozom éjjel is,
dolgozom vasárnap is.
Ha kell tizenkét órát.
Ne fizess túlórát!
Nem sztrájkolok soha,
aki lázad az ostoba.
Elveszti mindenét,
a nyomorult életét.
De én lojális leszek.
Ebben a rendszerben hiszek
és ha keményen dolgozok,
életben tartanak a doktorok.
Nyugdíjam lesz talán,
majd 50 év után.
Ha addig élek még,
kenyérre lesz elég!
De most kell a minimálbér,
amit fizetsz az életemért,
mert dolgoznom így muszáj,
reggel hív a gyár!
Working song
I give up my principles,
I give up my friends.
I stop everything,
if I can get a job.
I will even work at nights,
I will work on Sundays,
Twelve hours if it is needed.
Don’t pay overtime.
I never strike,
who rebels is stupid.
He loses everything,
his miserable life.
But I will be loyal.
I believe in this system
and if I work hard enough,
the doctors will keep me alive.
I will maybe get pension,
after fifty years.
If I live that long,
it will be enough for bread!
But now I need the minimal wage,
which you pay for my life,
because I have to work like this,
in the morning the factory wants me back!
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