But the podcast starts off with an admission by Jason about the amount of info he decided to share with me. We talk about his early musical endeavors, including how he started playing solo and improvisationally.
So you now know that Jason has worked with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab, but he’s also worked with Jerry Cantrell, Doug Kershaw, Geezer Butler, Dizzy Reed, and a ton of other people. I’m really not sure which of those is more impressive to me.
Jason reveals how he started working with NASA, getting involved in the Mars Rover project, and recording exclusively in analog. He obviously gets more creative the more limitations he has! He also reveals some news about a Carnegie Hall performance, putting together a planetarium tour, and thanks to a student at the University of Alabama, Huntsville, he’s asked probably the most intelligent question that’s ever been asked on this podcast (Thank you Triston Tindell).
Check Jason’s music out on Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your music. Go to jasonachilles.com for his music as well as Sounds From Mars and more info on upcoming events. He’s @jasonachilles on X. We’re @PerformanceAnx on the socials. You can keep us going with coffee at ko-fi.com/performanceanxiety or merch at performanceanx.threadless.com. Visiting our sponsors also helps out a lot! So let’s check out Jason Achilles on Performance Anxiety on the Pantheon Podcast Network.