-- ENG -- Divinely rock !! Find our brand new interview with the Swedish rockers of THUNDERMOTHER with Filippa Nässil (guitars) and Linnéa Vikström (vocals) for their sixth studio album called Dirty & Divine on AFM Records (@afmrecords9224). It is Scandinavian hard rock as we like it and ask for more because it is so divinely good !!!
We 've laughed a lot during this talking with the girls, especially about parties in Mexico with D.A.D. members when Filippa was pregnant, "she couldn't drink but pukked a lot..." (lol !!)
00:00 introdution
21:30 Mexico parties
21:40 Filippa didn't drink but she pukked a lot. Linnéa laughed much then !
Check out too our album review :
"Dead or alive" :
"So close" :
"Speaking of the devil" :
"I left my licence in the future" :
FB :
-- FR -- Divinement rock !!! Retrouvez notre toute nouvelle interview des rockeuses suédoises de THUNDERMOTHER avec Filippa Nässil (guitares) et Linnéa Vikström (chant) pour leur sixième album studio baptisé Dirty & Divine (AFM Records). Du hard rock scandinave comme on aime et en redemande tant c'est divinement bon !!!
Notre chronique album est disponible ici :