Another important life principle of Temujin - Genghis Khan: "avenge with revenge" - he certainly punished those guilty of the losses he and his family suffered and for the insults inflicted. Already from the age of 12, Genghis Khan was powerful and cruel.
But not only principles formed the basis of the code of laws. Once, hiding from enemies in the forest wilderness, Temujin felt the help of the Heavenly Lord for the first time and “believed in the power of the Supreme Tengri, as an omnipotent guardian genius, to whom both his flesh and his soul were subject…” One of the mystical places where he felt this strong connection with higher powers was Mount Burkhan Khaldun. Genghis Khan also legitimized the tradition of holding a cult ritual of worshiping the mountain in the “Book of the Great Yasa”. The hunting mythical worldview with fetishistic, totemic and animistic images was replaced by the religious and mythological (Tengrian) worldview of a nomadic cattle breeder with the cult of the Supreme Tengri and Mother Earth.