Apple Podcasts:
00:00 Introduction
00:43 Tears For Fears & Puscifer rehearsals
01:08 New Puscifer material & the lyrical process with Maynard
03:35 Early Carina material & creative risks
04:53 A spiritual experience with Led Zeppelin’s Physical Graffiti
08:48 The first artist she put on a pedestal
09:28 The first song she wrote & formative artists
12:25 If you can see it, you can be it; musical foremothers
14:45 Did you always have confidence in your ideas & the Maynard connection
16:57 Harmonies, TOOL & joining Puscifer (her first audition)
24:44 Her favourite Puscifer idea each member has brought to the table
27:25 The first music she had a strong reaction to that wasn’t love
30:18 Sorrow, anger - which artists do you turn to?
33:07 Discovering Pantera’s Far Beyond Driven & vacuuming on half speed
34:37 The soundtrack to falling in love & her musical family
37:04 Her Musical Mount Rushmore
39:23 Five Songs That Changed Your Life
42:30 Patti Smith’s Horses and her random act of violence
44:02 The Puscifer live experience & converting TOOL fans to Puscifer fans
48:07 Carina’s solo material
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