For this piece, I wanted to create suspense by combining really dissonant experimental electronics with an orchestral string section interspersed throughout. This would be appropriate for a horror film for sure. I'm making a lot of use of pressure and random voltage combined together with the Buchla 208c Easel Command, being controlled from the Make Noise 0-ctrl. Because pitches and timbres are completely randomized, the only control I have is over the range of pitch that happens by using the 0-ctrl to aim at specific ranges. I also played a guitar into the Morphagene, and I'm controlling that from an Intellijel Planar 2 sending out 4 quadrant CV. The audio then flows into a Monsoon (mutable instruments clouds clone). I use a Moog Grandmother to add some ambient bass textures for some weight to the sound. The string library I'm using is Spitfire BBCSO. I love combining electronics with orchestra in this way, because certain things happen that would never be possible without a "live" element to the electronics.
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Patch Notes:
Moog Grandmother: Basic patch, manually controlling filter frequency. Sawtooth in oscillator 1 and pulse in oscillator 2.
Morphagene: guitar recorded into morphagene, audio to Monsoon, then X-Pan.
Buchla 208c Easel Command controlled by Make Noise 0-ctrl touch controller. Audio to Make Noise Erbeverb, 4ms Tapographic Delay, X-Pan (controlled by Intellijel Quadrax), Boss RC-5 looper pedal, Eventide H9.
Envelope Generator to both low pass gates.
Random voltage to pitch of both oscillators, timbre, modulation, attack, decay, inverted to waveshape
Pressure to timbre and modulation
Cross modulation from oscillator 1 audio to FM of modulation oscillator.