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#business #finance #economy
This might come as a shock to you, but big companies are getting bigger, rich people are getting richer and vital resources like housing, business equity, food and even water are now owned by a smaller share of people than ever before…
Groundbreaking journalism I know, but what most people don’t realize is just HOW concentrated this has really become…
Private Equity now controls as much as 20% of the entire US economy, top index funds now own 20 - 30% of all major companies listed in America, and even good old fashioned fraud is getting bigger and more concentrated…
And who can blame them? Economies of scale have encouraged businesses… to scale… markets, responded to Too Big To Fail by becoming Too Big To Fail… but what does this actually mean for regular people?
There is the “mOraL” argument that so many resources being controlled by such a small few is… you know… unfair… but let’s be honest, you’ve already made up your mind on that and no YouTube video is going to change it one way or another…
Instead what ACTUALLY matters here is how much farther can this go… and what happens to markets when these people have nobody left to sell to… but themselves?