First play with the Morphagene. It’s a sampler which is designed to loop, repeat and multiply sounds. By its very nature it is quite unpredictable, which makes playing with it live unpredictable, but that’s its charm.
A simple little jam using the Eurorack system only. The theme of this jam was to play with timings. Basimilus is going off grid and Morphagene is blending between an STO/Plaits combination and an internal sample. And of course if fades out into something more ambient towards the end.
Equipment used
Modular: Basimilaus Iteritas Alter
Modular: Make Noise Morphagene
Modular: Make Noise STO
Modular: Mutable Instruments Plaits
Modular: Pamela’s New Workout
Software: Ableton Live, Adobe Premiere Pro
Audio interface: Focusrite Scarlett 18i8
Camera: Canon M50
#Eurorack #Morphagene