This weekend at garage sales we found so many underpriced items to resell on eBay for a profit! As you guys know I try to ask for specific things that I'm looking for when I'm at garage sales because you never know what someone might have. Sure enough, I asked and the sellers and he said that he had some items inside and that he had to get them. It really shows you that if you are looking for something specifically always ask! Check out everything we got today!
Thanks for watching!
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Here are (affiliate) links to the gear that we use in the video:
Camera Canon M50 -
Flexible Tripod -
Microphone -
GoPro Hero 8 -
Go Pro Chest Mount -
Go Pro Backpack Clip -
Bubble Wrap. -
Rollo Label Printer -
Printer Labels -
Packing Tape -
Postal Scale -
⇨ SUBSCRIBE to our channel so you can see all the underpriced items that we pick up at garage sales, yard sales, rummage sales, thrift stores, and estate sales to resell on eBay, Poshmark, Mercari, and Facebook Marketplace.
Instagram ⇨ @FloridaPickers
#garagesales #reselling #yardsales