"Cuddle Bunny vs. the Celtic Villages" appears in truncated segue form. i previously uploaded a far more minimalist take on the "Lonely Bollock"/maybe-"Bamboo" section, but it's a bit more layered here.
the "Riverrun" medley contains elements of "Play Pig", "Mowed Path", [possibly] "To Heal" and "Peggy Sussed".
i hope you enjoy it!
all music by Rick Smith & Karl Hyde
00:00 "Electro" [unreleased, speculative title]
01:27 Cuddle Bunny vs. the Celtic Villages
02:48 "Lonely Bollock" [unreleased, speculative title; may be an early/alternate version of "Bamboo"]
07:32 [Riverrun medley; contains elements of "Play Pig", "Mowed Path" & "Peggy Sussed" - possible elements of "To Heal"]
#underworld #underworldrare #riverrun #riverruntrilogy #mowedpath #peggysussed #playpig #lovelybrokenthing #pizzawitheggs #underworldimabigsister #underworldbamboo #bamboo #electro #toheal #lonelybollock #monkeywink #dubshepherd #vanillamonkey #backinthefears #foodaready #ancientphatfarmcoat #underworldwitness #11hundredhz #lennypenne #billygoat #peachtree #underworldpeachtree #wedge #underworldwedge #showlder #underworldmowedpath #jaltotokyo #holdingthemoth #ringroad #underworldringroad #oblivionwithbells #bestmamguever #loadsofbirds #glambucket #faxedinvitation #geeza #beautifulburnout #crocodile #underworldcrocodile #cuddlebunnyvscelticvillagers #toheal #tohealandrestorebrokenbodies #goodmorningcockerel #boyboyboy #underworldboyboyboy #underworldbsides #rareunderworld #underworldrarities #dubjam #underworlddubjam #geeza #undeworldgeeza #piganddan #drift #underworlddrift #barking #underworldbarking #ahundreddaysoff #strawberryhotel