The film is inspired by the classics of the post-apocalyptic genre, with such tapes as Tarkovsky's Stalker, The Road and other.
The author of the idea is the inventor and engineer Anatoly Unitsky:
The film was shot
Marta - Anastasia Vasilyeva
Vadim - Alexander Kolobov
Bukharin - Sergey Vlasov
Doctor - Andrey Dushechkin
Yanusov - Oleg Garbuz
BMW driver - Sergey Borzdak
Driver ZIL-131 - Maxim Rustikov
Voice over the radio - Andrey Kholodinsky
The host of the telecast is Mikhail Kirichenko
Anatoly Unitsky as Anatoly Junitsky
Film crew
Casting - Tatiana Boginskaya
Operators - Ruslan Eremenyuk
Vitaly Uhvanov
Director of photography - Nikita Kuzmin
Lighting Designer - Leonid Husar
Sound engineer - Anastasia Semenova
Assistant - Vyacheslav Evtukh
Makeup and post-production - Tatiana Nikeenko
Scriptwriter and director - Evgeny Petrov
Music - Elena Dolgikh
The author of the idea is Anatoly Yunitsky
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